Thursday, September 3, 2015

Dear Parents,

A week under our belts! And though it wasn’t a full week, it certainly counts! How are you feeling about your firstie’s first week of FIRST grade? How is your child feeling? I imagine there is still some uncertainty about a new teacher, a new grade, a new classroom, and lots of new things to learn.  Please know, I am going to work really hard to make this a great year for us all!!

Did your child tell you we had a GUEST reader in our classroom yesterday?  My dad stopped by (he is a retired 1st & 2nd teacher) and read them a silly book, “Belly Button Boy”.  Hopefully each firstie remembers to wash out their navel, so they don’t  end up like the boy in the story!

Today, we started our day drawing pictures about creation and the kiddos did such a great job!  But then we talked about how God created the world perfectly and sin entered the world and messed everything up.  (So, they scribbled all over their pictures….(which they honestly hesitated at first….)) Then we talked about how Jesus saved us from our sins and how He did that by dying on the cross and rising again, so we drew a cross with a heart in the middle of our pictures. 

We worked more on ABC order today and reviewed our alphabet.  We also started practicing reading alone and working at our seats by ourselves.   

We practiced our drills (though not the fire drill because of the rain) and learned where to go and what to do in case of an emergency in our school. 

The storms prevented us from going outside for recess but they were completely content playing inside today.  And I must say, that the firsties were pretty brave with all of the thunder and “scary skies” outside.  No tears! Yea!  
I am looking forward to a full week, next week!

Have a very blessed weekend!


Miss Gallagher

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