Monday, September 21, 2015

Dear Parents,
Today began with a beautiful sunrise….did you see it?  My picture didn’t do it justice, but I am thankful that God gave us such a wonderful reminder that HE is the creator.

We continue to practice our letters, making sure we are always starting at the top instead of the bottom.  Please be aware of this when they are writing at home….top to bottom, top to bottom!  J
Last week we created our very own “Space Man”, to help us keep a good space between our words when we write.  If you have big popsicle sticks at home, your firstie can create one to keep there too!  If you need one, just let me know and I can send one home.

   SPACE                     MAN
We began our NWEA testing today!  This is all done on computers in the computer lab and I was so proud of how well they did today.  Remember this is just a small snapshot of their progress and we will be testing three times this year.  I am looking forward to seeing how much they grow throughout the year. 

We continue to our “Brain Breaks” a few times a day and we are all enjoying them so much.  There are cool characters who focus on different tasks.  For example, “Maximo” works on stretches with us and “Mr. Catman” works on brain exercises. 
We dance (they are getting so good with the Cha Cha slide (knowing their right and their left….it’s hard at first!)) and we run in place too.  Again it is a great way for us to get up, shake our bodies a little, and then sit down and focus again. 

We learned a song that we will sing at the end of each day (ask your firstie if they remember it) because it is such a good reminder of God and what He has done for us. 

“Go My Children With My Blessing” 

Go my children with my blessing, never alone.
Waking, sleeping, I am with you, you are my own.
In my love’s baptismal river, I have made you mine forever .
Go my children with my blessing, you are my own.
In music class last Friday, we learned about a few stringed instruments….quiz your firstie….what do they remember?  (We learned about the viola, the cello, and the double bass)

Please start studying with your kiddo for our memory test on Friday.


Miss Gallagher

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