Monday, September 14, 2015

Dear Parents,
Happy Monday!  We have been busy over the last few school days and I wanted to share a few of our happenings!
September 11th is always a difficult day and I just couldn’t put into words what I wanted to say.
We read a few children’s books that had to do with the day (ask your firstie about the fire boat that we learned about) and about NYC (which just happens to be one of my most favorite cities).  Isn’t it amazing that our firsties have no idea about how much of an impact that day, changed our entire world?  On one hand, they are still very innocent, but on the other hand, they live in a “post 9/11” world, so they don’t know any different. I am thankful that God promises He will be with us, even though there is sin in this world, even though WE sin, even though bad things happen….God promises us He is here with us, He loves us, and He is never going to leave us alone.  What a comforting and reassuring thought!

Last week we read a story about things we see, and the kids did a great job with reading!  Then we painted some dots on a piece of paper, folded the paper two times, and then opened it back up…and voilà!  I wish you could have heard what they said…  It was great! We let the pictures dry and then the next day asked each firstie what they saw in their picture.  I put them all together in a small book that will come home so you all can check out what each child said.  It is a traveling book, and the first of many.  When it comes home, read it through with your child, check your child’s name off, and then send it back in. J I am looking forward to sharing it with you!

In Social Studies we looked at a bird’s eye view of a map and then made our own of our classroom!  They did such a great job with this little project!
This the first week we will be having our Memory Test (on Friday).  Please help your child to study for this.  Practice, practice, practice will help!  Practice in the car, practice before bedtime, practice before breakfast…the more they say it, the better it will stick in their head and they will be ready for Friday’s test.
Again, there will be more homework this week, so please expect it.  September is a bit of a tough month, with a lot of transitioning going on.  Each child will handle it a little different, but hang on because it will get better! 

Blessings on the beginning of your week,

Miss Gallagher

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