Thursday, April 14, 2016

Dear Parents,
Happy Thursday!  The sun is shining and what a beautiful day!  Praise the Lord for ALL of the blessings that He gives us!

Yesterday, during our Prayer Partner Activity, we learned about the next mission of the month (well…month and a half).  We are going to be sending money to the Seminary, in order that the Chaplins that serve overseas, can provide Bibles, little cards with Scripture verses on them, even popsicles!  (Sometimes, it is the little things that the men and women serving overseas are given that they appreciate SO much!)  If you are able, please send in donations to give to this great mission.  

In Religion, we learned about Jesus’ parable of the rich fool. We talked about how Satan tries to entice us to be greedy and not be satisfied with what we have. We talked about the “Greed Monster” and how he tries to steal our joy and our love, our patience, our kindness, etc…  Being thankful and grateful for all that the Lord provides for us, isn’t always easy, especially in our consumer-driven society.   How can we avoid the “Greed Monster”?  Praying for guidance is always a good way to start.  God promises to be there for us and help us!

We continue to work in groups and they are doing well with this!  We have been reading the play “Henny Penny” and even though they were in small groups, I didn’t assign them “parts” to read….and then I stepped back and watched to see what they would do.  Lo and behold….there was NO arguing (in ANY group)!  They figured it out on their own!!!  I have to say, secretly inside, I was like a proud mama.  Lol!

Also, today, we (as a class), came up with some killer tongue-twisters using our spelling words!

There will be a Math test tomorrow and our regular spelling and memory tests will be happening as well.  Please make sure they are studying as hard as they can in order that they may be prepared for all of these tests.  Thanks for your help with this on the home front. 

I hope that you are able to get outside today and enjoy all of that wonderful thing that we haven’t seen in awhile, the SUN!
Miss Gallagher

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