Thursday, September 15, 2016

Dear Parents,
Today we started with choir (grades 1-4) and we practiced our songs that we will be singing for church on Sunday.  I like to start choir with some warm-ups, which are tongue twisters….ask your firstie if they remember any of them… J Between you and me, I EVEN have a hard time with them (a few of them are lips, teeth, tip of the tongue”, “unique New York”, and “rubber baby buggy bumpers”)!  They are fun but they also serve the purpose of warming up our mouths to sing!  Win. Win. 

Today we went out and looked at the gourds in the Trinity Community Garden.  The firsties were SO excited to walk around the garden and check out all of the different kinds of gourds that are growing out there.  After we took a gander at the garden, I dismissed them for recess….to which they RAN like crazy children.  It was pretty funny…..”FREEDOM!”  (well that is what it looked like to me, anyways!). 

Our first spelling test will be tomorrow, so please help your firstie to practice!  Also, don’t forget to practice for our memory test tomorrow as well.  I am looking forward to seeing what these firsties can do!

Tomorrow, their hard-covered reading books will be coming home.  Please have your firstie read to you, our first story “What is a Pal?” several times over the weekend.  The kiddos need to bring their books back on Monday….so please help them to remember! Thanks!

We have almost made it through our first FULL WEEK!  Wahoo! 
Blessings on the rest of your Thursday,
Miss Gallagher

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