Thursday, September 1, 2016

Dear Parents,
We started our day with meeting our prayer partners from 5th and 6th grade.  We spent just a few minutes with them, but I thought it would a good idea for everyone to meet each other BEFORE Chapel next week.  Ask your firstie if they remember their prayer partner’s name. 

We read a story today called “Jack’s Talent”.  In this story, each student in a class had something that they were good at.  But Jack couldn’t think of anything that he was good at….until his teacher pointed out that he was good at remembering!  Then the first graders had to write about what they are good at.  This took a little prompting and I am not going to lie….there were a few tears shed. We got through it though and  overall, they did a good job! I will send home their writing and pictures next week.  

We practiced reading to “self” and reading with a buddy today as well.  We also reviewed what it means to “fake read”.  Ask your firstie to demonstrate what that is!  Continue to read with them at home and let them see that you read too!  If they see that reading happens, not just at school, it reinforces the importance of it.

Last spring, the first graders (now second graders), planted different veggies in the Trinity Community Garden.  We planted gourds, pumpkins, carrots, sweet potatoes, and potatoes.  Some of the veggies have grown well and some are still growing!  The potatoes are ready to be dug up, and so I would like the first graders and the second graders to help “harvest” them.  We are going to do this next week Wednesday, with a rain date of Thursday.  Please send in shoes that you don’t mind your kiddo can get a little dirty and if your firstie has gardening gloves, please send those in too!

Thanks for a g-r-e-a-t first week! Blessings on your long weekend!

"Following the Signs”
Miss Gallagher

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