Sunday, May 15, 2016

Dear Parents,
Last week was a pretty busy week! From our “Safety Day” to “Freaky Friday”, I was able to capture some good pictures of the firsties! 
“Safety Day” was on Wednesday and since I was new to Trinity, I didn’t quite know what to expect….and I have to say….I was SO impressed!!!  The events began after lunch/recess and the firsties first watched a video and learned a little more about bicycle safety.  Then we headed outside and waited for the medical helicopter.  It circled around the school one time and then landed.  The kids thought that was SO COOL!!!  We were able to go and meet the medical team that travels on the helicopter and the pilot, and they talked to us about what they do.  Then each of the kids were able to sit in the helicopter and got a free pair of sunglasses!  The firsties and I headed back into the school building and each child was fitted for a free bicycle helmet and also received a Frisbee and some chapstick  (I even got a free helmet!).  What a blessing that the free items were (and are!)!

Friday was the 13th, and so we “celebrated” by wearing crazy socks and/or crazy shoes.  I wore my clogging shoes (which are kind of like tap shoes) and showed the kiddos how to dance (well, I taught them a step….) and you could certainly hear me coming ALL DAY (my fellow teachers LOVED it).  Ha.  

The community garden is coming together!  Mrs. Beth Schwab (a 2nd grade mom) wrote to me on Thursday to let me know that there was a grant available from the American Farm Bureau and we got it in just in time! It is for $500.00 and if it is awarded to us, could be used for supplies, equipment, and maybe even a fence. I am thankful that others are starting to excited about this project! 
Because of the crazy weather that we have had over the weekend, I am going to push back our planting day a week.  Thanks to Mr. Anderson (and his father) who tilled the garden for us on Friday.  

This coming week is our LAST FULL WEEK OF SCHOOL!!!!  Can you believe it?  I am having a hard time with that myself…!  Please stay tuned for end of the year activities and things to know. 
Miss Gallagher

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